Welcome to Katherine Monasterio’s big wordy portfolio site.

(Psst: She’s currently available for work. Just ask.)

Katherine is an editor and author who lives for strengthening the written word.

As an editor

I specialize in developmental editing for fiction—you know, plot, pacing, character arcs—and have plenty of experience as a proofreader (that dialogue’s missing a quotation mark) and copy editor (wasn’t the sword in her left hand before?).

As an author

If you know one thing about me, it’s that I write. When it’s stories I want to share with the world (as opposed to fandoms that enjoy the concept of mutual pining), it’s usually short fiction, and I’ve won a few awards for those stories. See Work for more.

  • “Katherine is simply (hands-down, no contest) the best editor I have worked with in the last decade. She’s a rockstar who is the most invaluable person in my workflow at this stage.” —Alan Bahr, publisher and founder of Gallant Knight Games

  • “I don’t know how she does it, but Katherine always pinpoints exactly what I need to kick my writing to the next level. But she doesn’t just make corrections (though she’s great at that, too)—she helps me find what’s already working, and polish it until it shines.” —Kelsey Allagood, contributor at Writer Unboxed and freelance editor

  • “Katherine is a consummate professional and an impressive authority on story. The edits I get from her on my work always elevate the manuscript into something better than it was, and her collaborative spirit means she’s a constant delight to work with.” —Bryan Young, award-winning author